Thursday, January 30, 2014

besan laddoo...



  • Besan/chickpea flour 1 cup
  • Powdered sugar 1/2 cup
  • Butter/clarified butter (ghee) 1/2 cup

  • Initially heat up a nonstick pan on medium flame
  • Add ghee into it and wait till it becomes really hot
  • Now add the besan and stir continuously
  • After some time when u start getting the nutty smell of besan or once the besan s cooked giving nice aroma ,just off the flame
  • Now immediately add the powdered sugar little by little and mix well
  • Sugar will get dissolved since the besan s really hot
  • Now wait Till the mix becomes a bit cooled
  • It should not be very cool,otherwise it would become difficult to shape the laddoos
  • Now just wet ur hand and take some mix,roll and give the shape of laddoos
  • Delicious laddoos r ready to be served
  • Store in air tight containers..

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