Monday, January 27, 2014

Irani omelette....



  • Egg 1
  • Chopped onions 1 small
  • Chopped tomato 1
  • Red chilly powder 1/2 tspoon
  • Oil 1 tablespoon
  • Crushed pepper 1/4 tspoon
  • Salt to taste

  • Take a non stick pan and heat to medium flame.......
  • Add oil into it....
  • When oil is hot add the onions and season it with salt and pepper.....
  • Saute the onions till they are soft and translucent
  • At this stage add tomatoes...and saute them well...cover the lid and cook until tomatoes are done..
  • Now add red chilly powder and mix again..
  • Now make a small gap in the center of the mixture and crack ur egg into it...season it with salt and pepper..and slightly move the pan so that egg spreads to the entire mixture without breaking the yolk as shown in the pic.....
  • Cover the lid and cook on Sim to medium flame,until the egg is cooked...
  • Finally tilt the omelette slowly into the serving plate..and serve.....

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