Saturday, February 1, 2014

beetroot raita


  • beetroot paste 3 tspoon[beetroot paste: cut the beetroot into small pieaces and grind it in a mixer with some yogurt]
  • yogurt 1 cup
  • chopped green chilly 1
  • chopped cilantro 2 tablespoons
  • roasted cumin powder 1/4 tspoon(optional)
  • water to get the desired consistency
  • salt to taste
  • take the yogurt in a bowl,add some water and beat well
  • when the desired consistency is reached add beetroot paste and beat well again
  • now add all the other ingredients and mix well
  • check for the taste
  • garnish with a cilantro leaf 
  • now your delicious and nutritious raita is ready to be served as side dish with any roti or rice recipes.....

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