Friday, February 7, 2014

kajoo katri/cashew fudge......



  • Cashew powdered 1 cup
  • Powdered sugar 1/2 cup
  • Ghee 1 tablespoon
  • Water 3-4 tablespoons
  • Firstly mix up powdered cashew and powdered sugar well
  • Heat a sauce pan and add ghee into it
  • When its melted add the mix into it and saute until the raw smell of cashew goes
  • Now add water to the mixture and mix well and saute again for 3 -4 minutes until the water gets evaporated and the mixture starts sticking to the pan slightly
  • Now remove the mixture onto a non greaesd pan and as it cools a little bit knead it slightly with ur hands and spread it to the pan firmly
  • Then cut into desired shapes after 5 minutes
  • Delicious kajoo katris r ready to b served
  • If u want it could b decorated using edible silver paper as well

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