Monday, March 3, 2014

shakshuk....egg recipe


  • Eggs 2
  • Oil 2 tablespoons
  • Minced garlic 2 Small cloves
  • Chopped onion 1
  • Chopped tomatoes 2
  • Red chilly powder 1/4 tspoon
  • Chopped cilantro for garnishing
  • Salt and pepper for seasoning
  • Initially heat up a pan on medium flame and add oil into it
  • When oil becomes hot add in garlic and saute well

  • After sauting garlic,,add onions

  • Saute on low to medium flame until it turns golden brown
  • Now add chopped tomatoes and season with salt and pepper

  • Mix it well and cook until the tomatoes become soft and tender
  • Now add red chilly powder and saute for a while
  • Now make space for cracking eggs into the mix

  • Crack in both eggs and slightly move the tomato mix so that egg white could teach the bottom of the pan and form a nice crust without breaking the yolks

  • Now switch off the flame and place it Ina 375 F preheated oven for 10-12 minutes or until the eggs are done
  • garnish  with finely chopped cilantro and serve it hot with bread or roti

  • In this recipe with same amount of each ingredients, u can use 4-6 eggs according to ur choice

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