Thursday, March 6, 2014

wheat dosa ......


  • Wheat flour 1 cup
  • Rice flour 1/4 cup
  • Chopped ginger 1 small piece
  • Chilly flakes 1/4 tspoon
  • Oil 1-2 tablespoons
  • Mustard seeds 1/4 tspoon
  • Chana dal 1 tablespoon
  • Buttermilk 2-3 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Initially in a mixing bowl add in first four ingredients

  • Now heat up a small pan on medium flame and add in oil into it
  • When oil becomes hot add in mustard seeds and as it pops add chana dal and saute till it turns reddish brown

  • Switch off the flame and add this tadka into the above mixing bowl

  • Add in buttermilk and enough water to get thin batter (consistency less than that of dosa's)

  • Season it with enough salt
  • Now best up a Non stick skillet on medium flame and apply oil over it 
  • Pour some batter and just rotate the skillet so that the batter gets evenly distributed

  • As one side gets cooked,flip and cook the other side as well

  • Serve hot with onion chutney and an egg bullseye

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